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Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin.

Find support across a growing number of Litecoin communities:. Find general information as well as a list of services and exchanges that support Litecoin at the Litecoin Wiki. Up-to-date network statistics can be found at Litecoin Block Explorer Charts. Source code for Litecoin Core and related projects are available on GitHub.

The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code. The Litecoin blockchain is capable of handling higher transaction volume than its counterpart - Bitcoin. Due to more frequent block generation, the network supports more transactions without a need to modify the software in the future. As a result, merchants get faster confirmation times, while still having ability to wait for more confirmations when selling bigger ticket items.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Litecoin Official Litecoin logo. Archived from the original on Retrieved 24 April Litecoin surpasses billion dollar market capitalization".

Retrieved 12 May A guide to some other cryptocurrencies". A decentralized ledger of shared computational resources" PDF. These hash functions can be tuned to require rapid access a very large memory space, making them particularly hard to optimize to specialized massively parallel hardware.

Proof-of-authority Proof-of-space Proof-of-stake proof-of-work. Dogecoin Gulden Litecoin PotCoin. Dash Decred Primecoin Auroracoin.