Status recovery bot config route

This article provides networking guidance when you're replicating and recovering Azure VMs from one region to another, using Azure Site Recovery. Learn how Site Recovery provides disaster recovery for this scenario. Status recovery bot config route following diagram depicts a typical Azure environment, for applications running on Azure VMs:.

Typically, networks are protected using firewalls and network security groups NSGs. NSGs provide rules that use IP address ranges to control network connectivity. Using an authenticated proxy to control network connectivity isn't supported by Site Recovery, and replication can't be enabled.

These rules are required so that replication can be enabled from the target region to the source region post-failover:. If you are using network virtual appliances NVAs to control outbound network traffic from VMs, the appliance might get throttled if all the replication traffic passes through the NVA.

We recommend creating status recovery bot config route network service endpoint in your virtual network for "Storage" so that the replication traffic does not go to the NVA. You can create a network service endpoint in your virtual network for "Storage" so that the replication traffic does not leave Azure boundary.

Do not restrict virtual network access to your storage accounts used for ASR. You should allow access from 'All networks'. You can override Azure's default system route for the 0. If you're using custom routes, you should create a virtual network service endpoint in your virtual network for "Storage" so that the replication traffic does not leave the Azure boundary.

Our new feedback system is built on GitHub Issues. For more information on this change, please read our blog post. Important Using an authenticated proxy to control network connectivity isn't supported by Site Recovery, and replication can't be enabled. Note Do not restrict virtual network access to your storage accounts used for ASR. What type of feedback would you like to provide?

Give product feedback Sign in to give documentation feedback Give documentation feedback You may also leave feedback directly on GitHub. Required so that status recovery bot config route can be written to the cache storage account status recovery bot config route the source region from the VM.

It is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost effective way to route end users to Internet applications by translating names like www. Amazon Route 53 is fully compliant with IPv6 as well.

You can use Amazon Route 53 to configure DNS health checks to route traffic to healthy endpoints or to independently monitor the health of your application and its endpoints. Amazon Route 53 also offers Domain Name Registration — you can purchase status recovery bot config route manage domain names status recovery bot config route as example. Amazon Route 53 performs two DNS functions.

Amazon Route 53 is designed to be fast, easy to use, and cost-effective. Queries for your domain are automatically routed to the nearest DNS server, and thus answered with the best possible performance.

If you need a domain name, you can find an available name and register it using Amazon Route Like other Amazon Web Services, there are status recovery bot config route long-term contracts or minimum usage requirements for using Amazon Route 53 — you pay only for managing domains through the service, for the number of queries that the service answers, and for the domain names that you have registered through Amazon Route Easy-to-use and cost-effective global traffic management: Amazon Route 53 can monitor the health and performance of your application as well as your web servers and other resources.

Amazon Route 53 offers domain name registration services, where you can search for and register available domain names or transfer in existing domain names to be managed by Route View a full list of supported top-level domains TLDs and current pricing. When using Amazon CloudFront to deliver your website content, visitors to your website can now access your site at the zone apex or "root domain".

For example, your site can be accessed as example. Visitors to your website hosted on Amazon S3 can now access your site at the zone apex or "root domain". This web-based, point-and-click, status recovery bot config route user interface lets you manage Amazon Route 53 without writing any code at all.

The distributed nature of our DNS servers helps ensure a consistent ability to route your end users to your application. Features such as Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow help you improve reliability with easy configuration of failover to re-route your users to an alternate location if your primary application endpoint becomes unavailable. Amazon Route 53 is designed to provide the level of dependability required by important applications.

Route 53 is designed to automatically scale to handle very large query volumes without any intervention from you. Amazon Route 53 is designed to work well with other AWS features and offerings. You can use Amazon Route 53 to map your zone apex example.

Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow makes it easy to set up sophisticated routing logic for your applications by using the simple visual policy editor. Using a global anycast network of DNS servers around the world, Amazon Route 53 is designed to automatically route your users to the optimal location depending on network conditions.

As a result, the service offers low query latency for your end users, as well as low update latency for your DNS record management needs. You pay status recovery bot config route for the resources you use, such as the number of queries that the service answers for each of your domains, hosted zones for managing domains through the service, and optional features such as traffic policies and health checks, all at a low cost and without minimum usage commitments status recovery bot config route any up-front fees.

Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow routes traffic based on multiple criteria, such as endpoint health, geographic location, and latency. Status recovery bot config route can configure multiple traffic policies and decide which policies are active at any given time. Route end users to the AWS region that provides the lowest possible latency. Automatically route your website visitors to an alternate location to avoid site outages.

Health Checks and Monitoring. CloudFront Zone Apex Support. S3 Status recovery bot config route Apex Support. Highly Available and Reliable. Designed for use with other Amazon Web Services.

View status recovery bot config route posts View active topics. It is currently 06 May Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now. A Guide to Optimising Your Bot. This guide lists all the little tweaks you can make to get that little extra out of your bot. Some knowledge of botting is assumed.

All these examples are from my personal botting experience, if you see any mistakes feel free to point them out. I've done some messing around with the timeouts. Whether you use tpsearch or not. If you're on a server with strict GMs you mayn't want to do this because it can draw attention to your bots. If you are on tpsearch, how lagless is your connection? And how low can your timeouts go? TXT in the latter half of this guide.

Is the map appropriate for your bot? The right map is essential. How good are your botting skills? How good are your equips? Exploring these 5 factors Without tpsearch you probably are killing monsters only a fourth of the time. With tpsearch you can on a fast connection get that down to half the time.

It can make a big difference, particularly on maps which have sparse but good xp monsters like the Pasana map. Status recovery bot config route can make your bot look like some kind of superhero maniac with absurd reflexes. Imagine teleporting every 0.

This is because having monsters come to you saves a lot of time. Remember, killing lots of low xp status recovery bot config route can give better results than killing few high xp monsters.

Use stat calcs to see how long your bot takes to kill a monster. One more reason low xp monsters can status recovery bot config route more xp than high xp ones is that, ofcourse, high xp ones are much harder to kill.

For SS builds SGing mobs of zenorcs gives decent xp too, but geographers is better. If this is all too easy for you, try macros. This is how you do it. Example for a hunter More of an RO related question but still relevant, is damage determined at the beginning of cast time, or when the cast time is finished?

I figure when it's finished but for the sake of autoEquiping i just want to make sure. I suppose this guide could be helpful to nubz but it really only gives tips on 1 area of botting: Page 1 of 4. Previous topic Next topic. This enables you to take switch equips effectively. DcOnDeath Suppose you are playing manually, but have a slave priest on bot, status recovery bot config route this options default value so that the bot doesn't respawn on dying and you can ress it using a yggdrasil leaf.

You might wanna set it to status recovery bot config route. Also, increasing the value of loststep helps sometimes. However if you connection lags, nothing will make your slave follow its master perfectly, but this can help. ItemsTakeAuto Default value is 2, but I always set it to 1.

When you play and get mobbed, do you kill all the monsters first or stop to pick up each monster's loot as it dies and get status recovery bot config route more in the process?

If you set this value to 2, it does the latter, set it to 1, it does the former. Better to set it to 1, and configure pickupitems. So it is sometimes just better to set this option to 0, or otherwise at 1.

Why do you want your bot wandering all the around the map, when it should be sticking to the beach only and killing seals. So you should modify the options for y coordinates such that it stays in the beach only. Very useful in the geo map, if you land to close to a geo, then Kore will simply walk out of status recovery bot config route geo's range. Anyway after you status recovery bot config route gets up, you're gonna recover some HP before you get hit again, so you might as well be fighting while recovering that HP and gaining XP alongside.

Recommended for knights who have moving HP recovery. If your bot heals itself, then setting hplower to less than 40 helps, because you recover most of your HP by healing yourself, not sitting. Instead set splower so that you recover sp and heal yourself. StatsAddAuto Sometimes you use one bot's Kore files to run another bot temporarily and if you have this enabled, uh-oh!!

Then you don't have to configure status recovery bot config route. So if you go above the number of hits listed here in killing on monster, your bot tps away. Its explained in the beginning under that. Simply set dealauto to 1 or 2, and put the names. Then put your main merchant on Kore, and deal him from other characters. You don't want your CPU overheating.

Setting higher values reduces the amount your CPU is used. Default value is 10, but you can safely set it to 20, and if you're bot is just vending thenis fine. I'm not going to do a whole lot of explaning here, the manual is adequate for blocks. Timeout Always good to keep a timeout so your bot doesn't chain skills under any status recovery bot config route except when you want the skill to be chained.

MaxAttempts Important, so your bots doesn't keep trying out a skill and drain all his sp failing, say a thief set to steal from mushrooms shouldn't keep stealing on and on and on, attempts are enough. TXT If you don't use tpsearch then there is no point editing this status recovery bot config route. Just skip this part. You could see a insane increase in your bot's behaviour, especially if you've never edited this file. Ai I cannot overemphasize the importance of this timeout. OK developers have set it by default at 2, but as long status recovery bot config route you have a lagless connection set it at 0.

Yes thats right, 0. This time basically is the time your bot spends doing nothing after a map loads. This delay is incorporated because each time you change a map, a whole lot of stuff has to be refreshed when the map loads, so the delay so that the server sends the info to your bot before you do anything.

Since there is a map change, this delay kicks in everytime. You miss monsters you could have easily killed! Recommend setting this at no more than 0. DO NOT do thing on a map with manual players because then you'll end up looting them.

So use Xkore and slowly reduce the value till your bot starts missing monsters. In the normal Kore window, you know you bot is missing monsters when the "Teleporting due to idle" message comes first, and then "Attacking Monster" comes. This missing you are teleporting before the server has sent you the info on the monster. Thus, increase the timeout so that you get the info before teleporting out.

So like you want your bot to get to Prontera and its trying to get to some random Morocc field. Use "ai clear" to delete all actions the bot has yet to perform. To pm a char with spaces in his name you status recovery bot config route to use quotes. Hi" tele Simplest way to teleport, if you see your bot mobbed and about to die, just type this.

Thats about it, the manual is enough for the remaining control files. Yes, but only slightly. Depends on your connection, for me not any noticeable difference, and whatever slowdown it caused was more than made up by the benefit it provided. I guess end too, since a lot can change between the beginning and end of a cast.

Does it require further work? I could try covering those So far, the universe is winning. Display posts from previous: You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply status recovery bot config route topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot post attachments in this forum.