Rent litecoin mining rig

Test and Review of the LeaseRig Service Providing Mining Rigs rent litecoin mining rig Rent litefoin, Feb LeaseRig is an interesting new service that allows you to rent mining rigs for a limited time period that will mine for you in your preferred pool and your preferred crypto currency for rent litecoin mining rig duration of the lease. These rigs are provided by users and the service LeaseRig only connects you to the mining rig providers, processing payments and acts as control and monitoring panel.

Everything seems very quick and liteocin to start using rent litecoin mining rig service if you want to rent mining rigs and there are already quite a few available, and we were very excited at first. This is precisely why we have decided to give the service a try by renting a mining rig for 24 hours to be able to actually test how article source are working and give you adequate feedback and rent litecoin mining rig make a proper review of the service.

In order rent litecoin mining rig test the service we have decided to lease visit web page smaller mining rig for longer period of time, so rent litecoin mining rig choose one that is with 0. The cost for leasing the rig for 24 rent litecoin mining rig was 0. This means if we used the rig to mine LTC the profit we would get will be about half of what we have payed for renting the mining rig, so we have decided to go for the currently more profitable DOGE. The projected mined crypto with that hasrate for a day by the pool Coinotron was about DOGE or up to about 0.

Again less than what we have to pay for renting minign mining rig, but we decided to give it a try as we were actually willing to test the service… you can find better prices for higher hashrate and with longer lease time rent litecoin mining rig can end up with profit according to calculations. Everything started very good, the BTC deposit has appeared and was available for use very fast. We have hired the mining rig, removed the rigs default pool settings and set our pool and worker settings for mining DOGE at Litecoin mining rent to own and in a moment the rig started working.

For a few hours everything was running smooth and problem free, so we stopped checking the Mining Rig status every few minutes rent litecoin mining rig a few more hours later we oqn to see if everything is still fine and it was not. The mining pools and settings were back to the default ones for the mining rig we have rented and it was not mining to our pool it was gone from the list of pool and was mining for the rig owner with more than 12 hours left from our contract.

This has probably continued for an hour or two at least before we have noticed it, we again changed the pool settings to ours for mining DOGE in Coinotron and have removed the default ones. After that going for some sleep and waking up in rent litecoin mining rig morning and checking the status with just about 2 hours more left from our lease the rig was again back to the default pools and our mining pool info was not in the list and rent litecoin mining rig was not mining for us.

This meant that again the rented rig was rentt mining for us for at least a few hours, again setting the proper settings for the remaining time of our contract and there were no more problems until the liteoin time has finished. The result from our 24 hour rent of the mining rig was really awful. This means that due rent litecoin mining rig the two times that our pool settings were gone and the mining rig was not mining for as as per the contract before us noticing has totaled in probably 12 hours.

This is really unacceptable, even though after our contract has finished we can still see the leased mining rig mining for us at the Coinotron pool with a slightly lower hashrate for about an hour already we are still not happy at all.

After reading a bit more, it seems that the problem with the pool settings getting reverted back to the default set by the mining rig operator can happen if you restart the miner on the rig and you need to manually reset them to your own settings each time. So if the mining rig does not get restarted or the miner software on it at least you might mininf have the problem with the pools reverting back to the owner of the rig, but in hour 24 hour test we have noticed this happening 2 times maybe even minning and thus resulting in really very unsatisfactory performance of the service.

So we actually have payed 4 times more than what our actual mining earnings are worth and that is clearly not going to make us recommend the LeaseRig service. So for now you better not go for the LeaseRig service, until at least they figure a solution to the problem with the pools getting reset. But even without that pool issue we have experienced it is hard to go for a lease of a rig that will not only cover what you have payed for renting it, but will rfnt up with some profit for you!

You could actually be more interested in becoming one of the mining rig providers and earn some cash rent litecoin mining rig owm your mining rig equipment, because this actually seems more profitable than to be renting rigs.

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