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They gave us a fully decentralized Internet and we used it to build web services—Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, iCloud—so massively centralized they verge on being quasi-medieval fiefdoms.

What is wrong with us? Today is our quarterly reminder that Linus gave us a completely distributed VCS, so we stored all of our repos in a single point phoenix bitcoin miner set up yahoo email failure. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft. Between them, they probably know, conduct, control, manipulate, and monetize almost all of the following: Listen, are we helpless?

Are we doomed to do it again and again and again? Have we no choice but to play the Phoenix in an unending sequence of rise and fall? Do you really want to run your own web server for your site?

Your own mail server for your email? Your own Diaspora pod for your social media? Do you really want to go through the trouble of rooting your phone? A few brave freaks do, and more power to them. AKA their own single point of failure. Most people just want to connect to something that handles it all for them. Which means a Stack. Because over the last five years, in the shadow of the Stacks, whole new decentralized online architectures— paradigmseven, much as that word usually makes me roll my eyes—have slowly been growing.

I refer of course to Bitcoin, a currency with no central bank, built on a decentralized distributed-consensus system known as the blockchain. As The Economist puts it:. Where all this may lead to is a constellation of linked crypto-currencies and blockchains, with all sorts of uses: The original bitcoin may remain at the centre of this constellation—or not. Joel Monegro of Union Square Ventures writes, of the so-called blockchain application stack: I am intrigued—but skeptical. That is a very tall order.

Imagine a distributed email service, like Gmail or Yahoo! Mail sent to or from a dmail. So far so good — but can you imagine the throughput and bandwidth requirements of GMail or Yahoo! Millions of users an hour; billions of emails a day; terabytes upon terabytes of attachments.

Something else will have to do the vast majority of the decentralized work. More on that in a future post. Let me just fantasize a moment. Pie in the sky. If only there was some other decentralized system out there. Something proven to phoenix bitcoin miner set up yahoo email at Internet scale.

If only there was something like that, and if only the people behind it were working on phoenix bitcoin miner set up yahoo email generic and generally useful decentralized software.

Bittorrent proposes a decentralized peer-to-peer vision for the entire web. This is the future I want. What if more of the web worked the way BitTorrent does?

It just might, maybe, in some optimistic future, transform into the thermal exhaust port of the Stacks.