Ltc on huobi litecoin

The content on this website is subject ltc on huobi litecoin change at any time without notice, and is provided as an educational service for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions. Made a mobile friendly version similar to the android app. Let us know if you like aditional variables. May 2, Added Profit Loss Calculators for traders.

Both for trading and for Total Return Swaps, all in one page so you'll have ltc on huobi litecoin instant overview of whats going on on Bitfinex at the moment and for the last 24h. I've lost part of my code and part of ltc on huobi litecoin db damn I should've backed up more often I haven't been sitting on my hands lately and have just finished a little project I've been working on.

Let us know if you like aditional variables. Be aware that the compounded returns are strictly theoretical, as a Swap provided will never have a fully compounded interest rate on their provided swaps. BFXdata is on twitter:

By ltc on huobi litecoin an affiliate of Bfxdata you also help in keeping this project alive. My account was deleted without notfying me first, including all my data. I'll try to recover my lost data. The compounding was a feature request by quite a few users, so here you go. I'm in serious need of better web hosting.

Added a th1btc orderbook pagealso a temporary TH1 Swap page. June 21, More or less back ltc on huobi litecoin normal operations. Id did check it myself of course, but a little miscalculation might have snug in Wink.

I will try to resolve this. Each time a trade is initiated by a buyer the volme is added to the 24 hour buy volume. Just keep in mind Ltc on huobi litecoin do this for fun. The new pages wil give you a real-time view on bitfinex Swaps.