Lego mindstorms nxt vision guided brick sorter ver1

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new posts via email. Aodan Sinclair In theory, could you sort them by color and shape? KingSlimjeezy BuddyJ i would imagine it has something to do with the conveyor belts in the beginning youtux2 OpenCV somewhere? MrRandomrandall ok, what the hell is happening?

Lego Sorting Machine working 4: Ryan Stewart Very smart! Nice design, I have one question though. I was wondering what type of program and camera did you use for the shape recognition?

Xavier's Robotik Did you have a a link to software? But we still need a LEGO machine that can tear assembled bricks apart. Notify me of new posts via email. Don't the cups get heavy once they are near full? Could you help me?

Sorry for my spelling, I'm French in 5eme. I woud like do the same. Aodan Sinclair In theory, could you sort them by color and shape?

So I got you Lego to make a machine, so you can sort Lego with your Lego! Could lego mindstorms nxt vision guided brick sorter ver1 you help me with my project. But hvere did you got those transportation belsts? Douwe if i would want to build something similar i would have no lego left for sorting xD cryton you bought lego to build a lego machine that sorts lego ARPHOTO What's cool about this machine is that you can start with broad element types like bricks, plates, tiles, and slopes.