Ledger wallet chrome apps

The official support of Ledger can be found on the following link: Ledger support Want to buy a Ledger?: In this short guide about installation of apps on the Ledger Nano S, Ripple shall be used.

When transactions are confirmed on the blockchain, but your cryptocurrency is not what you expected it to be you can follow the next steps to solve this issue: Plus all ERC20 tokens are supported.

These are based on Ethereum network. At the time of writing the Ledger apps don't support this feature, but a program called Electrum makes this possible. Download and install Electrum. Press Next, and select your Account Number. If you are not sure, leave the field with 0, otherwise enter the index of the account you want to import.

Click on Next, and Electrum with sync your account. Depending on your connection and the server, it may take from a few minutes to half an hour. Once the sync process is finished, you can use Electrum.

At first sight, Ledger applications are great: Easy to use, responsive, well designed and open source. This is where it becomes awkward. PIN entry aside, Why is this so complicated? That means, if someone gets hold of your Ledger Nano S, incl. PIN, consider your money gone. I preferred doing this without display, using either the security card or companion app just feels better. It does the job and keeps your crypto secure but I hope the new Electron based software they are working on, will collect the different cryptos under one roof.

I respect your privacy: Unless you're using Facebook to sign in, no data is exchanged with 3rd party providers. Either way, it'll only take a sec. Franz Geffke m f-a. Impressions Image by ledgerwallet.