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We maintain an independent perspective in our writing. We deliver synthesized insights that make a difference. Blockchain - Asia Series: As seeing is better than believing, our Founders Thomas and Julian spend 3 weeks in china and spoke to the leading entrepreneurs and experts in the local blockchain community.

Follow us in this series on an exciting journey across HongKong and Joseph wang bitcoin chart China. We will release different parts of this series over the next weeks. Thomas Reinbacher and Julian Hoelz10 min read. After our 3 weeks trip, talking to more than 40 people and organizations that work on Blockchain in China we synthesized our thinking into 6 key points.

This is all you need to read to get an understanding about the significance and the future of blockchain in China. Bitcoin as store of value. The return of the P2P protocols. GBV interviewed early Microsoft internet pioneer and founder of Elastos Rong Chen to discuss the next frontier that is required to enable true distributed applications: P2P protocols and operating systems.

High performance blockchains soon. It is all about the balance of performance and security. The rise of the national blockchains soon. Identity services will be an important building block for joseph wang bitcoin chart blockchain applications to become mainstream. As China is starting its first pilots with a citizen's ID on the blockchain we are asking: Valuation of Token-based companies soon. We talked with Sonic Zhang about valuations of token-based companies and what make a good investment.

We talked joseph wang bitcoin chart the founders about their mission to build a better internet though P2P technology. Smart contract verification Smart contract verification: Oh wait, YES it is! Learn about our professional background at software verification of critical systems and why formal software verification is needed for smart contracts and what's at stake if you don't get this one right.

This is the long version of a talk we held in Shanghai earlier this year. Thomas Reinbacher10 min read Explore full report. Our blockchain chart of the week. Where to issue your ICO? Over the past weeks, we were talking to representatives from different ICO hotspots regarding their competitive advantage. Companies planning to issue their ICO need to take political stability, legal environment as well as the strength of the local joseph wang bitcoin chart scene into account.

Each step requires careful preparation. The strengths of a successful ICO founding team In the end of joseph wang bitcoin chart day every new venture is only as good as the people behind it. A founding teams need to bring people leadership skills, their entrepreneurial spirit, as joseph wang bitcoin chart as technical expertise to the game. Are you running the company or an economy? While founders used to become CEOs of large companies they are now on the road to become managers of their own private economy.

The blockchain and the promise of a truly interconnected world Autonomous cars and smart infrastructure are all instantiations of the long promised Internet of Things. While a lot of joseph wang bitcoin chart are put into the IoT already, there are still a number of challenges to be solved. Where can blockchain help? Joseph wang bitcoin chart rise of the national blockchains Citizens of the 21st century will make use of digital IDs, digital government services, and digital health records.

The question arises who will provide the critical infrastructure? The technology stack of the distributed web The technology stack of the distributed web relies on the already established technologies of blockchains and smart contracts.

Another important piece of the puzzle are peerpeer protocols which will be the enables of the first real decentralized apps. When the dust has settled, new business models will emerge just like it was after dotcom. When does a blockchain make sense?

What are the critical requirements that need to be met in order to deploy a blockchain for your problem? We summarized the 6 most important requirements from our point of view. CryptoKitties innovation CryptoKiities is an Ethereum blockchain based game of collectible and breedable digital cats that pioneered 3 critical innovations for the distributed web.

Why should we care about it? Inquiries about our content. To request permission to republish an article, or if you have any questions about the usage of content published by Global Blockchain Ventures email us at content g-b-v.